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Access 2000
Excel 2000
Word 2000
PowerPoint 2000
Access 2002
Excel 2002
Word 2002
PowerPoint 2002
Office 2000
Office XP
Windows 2000 Pro
Windows 2000 Server
Visual C++
Computer Hardware
ColdFusion 4.5
HTML 4.0

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In addition to our training courses we also offer free online certification exams on several topics including Microsoft Office, Computer Hardware, HTML, PC Basics and more.

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This complete training course for the Windows 2000 MCSE includes 37 CD-ROM's and contains over 50 hours of professional quality instructor led training. Multimedia content allows you to quickly learn key concepts and the CD format lets you quickly pause and review important areas. A short introduction to the trainer is included below.

   Windows 2000 MCSE set of 37 (CD) $2759.95
   Windows 2000 MCSE set of 37 (VHS) $2759.95
   Shipping (US only)

About The Trainer:

Alison Balter is a highly experienced independent trainer and consultant, specializing in Windows applications training and development. During her seventeen years in the computer industry, she has trained and consulted with many corporations and government agencies. Since Alison founded her company in 1990, their client base has expanded to include major corporations and government agencies such as Shell Oil, the Motion Picture Editors Guild, the International Cinematographers Guild, Prudential Insurance, Transamerica Insurance, Fox Broadcasting, the United States Navy, and others. Alison's company, InfoTechnology Partners, Inc., is a Microsoft Certified Partner and Alison was one of the first professionals in the computer industry to become a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Alison is the author of over 400 internationally marketed computer training videos. She travels throughout North America giving training seminars in Visual InterDev, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic for Applications. She is also featured regularly in the National Technological University live satellite television broadcasts.

Alison is a regular contributing columnist for Access/Office/Visual Basic Advisor as well as other computer publications. She is also a regular on the Access and Visual Basic national speaker circuit. She was one of four speakers on the Visual Basic/Visual Studio World Tour, a seminar series co-sponsored by Application Developers Training Company and Microsoft.

Alison is the author of Alison Balters Mastering Access 2002 Desktop Development, Alison Balters Mastering Access 2002 Enterprise Development, Alison Balter's Mastering Access 2000 Development, Alison Balter's Mastering Access 97 Development, and Alison Balter's Mastering Access 95 Development. She is also a co-author of three other Access books published by SAMS Publishing: Essential Access 95, Access 95 Unleashed and Access 97 Unleashed. Alison's firm, InfoTechnology Partners, Inc., is available for consulting work and on-site training in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic, as well as for Windows NT/2000, Windows 9x networking, and Microsoft Exchange Server.

Please visit our special offers page to view some superb offers from our partners on the web. To view our special offers click here.

Or continue browsing our courses below.

3D Studio Max
A+ 2003
Microsoft Access 2007
Acrobat 4
ActiveX and OLE
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign CS
Adobe PhotoShop CS
AutoCAD 2000
C Programming
C# Programming
Cisco CCNA
CompTIA Security+
CorelDRAW 10
Crystal Reports 8
Delphi 6

Exchange Server 2000
Flash 5
Frontpage 2000
Java 2
Linux 101
Linux 102
Lotus Notes 5
MicroSoft .NET
Network+ 2002
Oracle 8iR2
Outlook 2000
Outlook XP
PageMaker 6.5
Paradox 8

Perl 5
PhotoDraw 2000
PhotoPaint 8
SQL Server 2000
Visio 2002
VBScript 5
Visual FoxPro 6
MCSE 2000
Windows XP User
WordPerfect 9
WordPerfect 11
ZenWorks 3.0



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