Volume 1 (1 Hr 43 Mins)
The Basics of C++ Programming (38 min)
1.1 Introducing C++
1.2 General Syntax
1.3 Compiling
1.4 The Main Function
1.6 #include Statement
1.7 C++ Compiler
2.0 Basic C++ Structure (1 Hr 4 min)
2.1 Variables
2.2 Reserved Keywords
2.3 Variable Names
2.4 Variable Types
2.5 Type int
2.6 Type Short & Type Long
2.7 Type Char
2.8 Float & Double Types
2.9 Type Bool
2.10 Arrays & Strings
Visual C++
Volume 2 (1 Hr 48 Mins)
Pointers (1 Hr 1 Min)
1.1 Pointers Overview
1.2 & Operator
1.3 Pointer Diagram
1.4 * Operator
1.5 Storage Classes
1.6 Compile Time Initialization
1.7 Print f Basics
2.0 Operators of the Language (45 min)
2.1 Arithmetic Operators
2.2 Bitwise Operators
2.3 Casting
2.4 Auto Increment / Decrement
2.5 Arithmetic Conversion
2.6 Precedence Table
C++ Volume 3 (2 Hr 2 Mins)
Statements (22 min)
1.1 If Statements
1.2 Switch Statements
2.0 C++ Looping Statements (27 min)
2.1 Background of Loops
2.2 For Loop
2.3 While Loop
2.4 Do-while Loop
3.0 Structures (39 min)
3.1 Syntax
3.2 Membership Operator
3.3 Arrays of Structure
3.4 Nested Structures
3.5 Pointers to Structures
3.6 Sizeof Operator
3.7 Initialization of Structures
4.0 Functions (32 min)
4.1 C Functions & Macros
4.2 Passing Arguments
4.3 Pass by Value
4.4 Pass by Reference
4.5 Passing Array Arguments
4.6 Return Statement
4.7 Exit Function
4.8 Declaring Functions
4.9 Arguments to Main
C++ Volume 4
(1 Hr 51 Mins)
Basic Features (27 min)
1.1 Introducing C++
1.2 More on C++
1.3 Formatting Output
1.4 Error Stream
1.5 Input Stream
1.7 Function Prototypes
2.0 C++ A Better C (1 Hr 21 min)
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Variable Declaration Placement
2.3 Variable Scope Resolution
2.4 Inline Functions
2.5 Cont Qualifier
2.6 Cont & Pointers
2.7 Enumeration
2.8 Function Overloading
2.9 References
2.10 References
C++ Volume 5
(1 Hr 50 Mins)
Classes (1 Hr 50 min)
1.1 New Data Types
1.2 Member Functions & the Circle Class
1.3 An Interactive Example of the Rectangle Class
1.4 The Person Class
1.5 Class Summary
1.6 Private Member Functions
1.7 Declaring a Circle Object
1.8 Summary of Circle Object Uses
1.9 Overloading Constructors
1.10 Const Objects
1.11 Member Objects
C++ Volume 6
(1 Hr 49 Mins)
Memory Management (1 Hr 19 min)
1.1 Module Objectives
1.2 Free Store
1.3 Pointer Members
1.4 Assignment Operator Overloading
1.5 The This Pointer
1.6 Copy Constructor
1.7 Passing & Returning Objects
2.0 Class Features (27 min)
2.1 Static Data Member
2.2 Static Member Functions
2.3 Friend Classes
2.4 Friend Functions