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  What's an affiliate?
  How does it work?
  Web Promotion 101
  Affiliate Payment

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Web Promotion 101

    So you've signup and and got your linking codes at the ready... now what? You've got to find someone to click your link and place those orders. The most common ways are through websites or by email.

    Email marketing is the first area many people think about when they envision promoting or marketing a product online. You may be tempted to download some software and send out 2 million emails touting the values of our product to so many unnamed people. This is called spam and will get you booted out of the affiliate program and cause you to forfeit all your earning from most legitimate companies including ours. If you are going to market by email it is important that it is a legitimate list of people you know or people who have specifically signed up to receive email or a newsletter from you. If this is the case, then you can simply write a promotion of our site or a testimonial and send it with your linking code to your mailing list.

    Marketing the product on your website is how most affiliates will get the majority of their leads. This can be as simple as adding a link to your current page or blog, or creating an entire site from scratch to promote our brand. Below is a list of common methods you may want to try out:

    • Your website Whether your site is focused on an area related to ours or not this is a great place to start. You can download links or banners through our affiliate area and add them around your site. If you have used one of our products or had a good experience with us you can write about that and offer a link. For example, you could tell people how happy you were with this little tutorial and place a link to it. If they sign up as an affiliate with us you will get 10% of the revenue they earn as a subaffiliate and if they ever come back for training or one of our other product you'll get the usual commision on their sale.
    • Article Writing Another idea that you can use on your site or blog is writing an article about our site. A review, anything. You can put the article on your site and forward it to sites that accept articles for publication or sharing as content. Article content will get you more targeted readers, more clickthroughs, and more sales. Make sure that if you share your article that the links with your affiliate code make it into the body or byline.
    • Blog Writing You can start a blog about an area related to our site such as computer training or certification. On your blog you can offer reviews of sites and include your affiliate link in the review. Once you have your blog up you may want to network with other bloggers who write in the same area. You can exchange links to increase your site's presence and gain a larger audience.
    • Blog Comments While you are busy visiting other's blogs and promoting your site, you might want to comment on others blog posts. Usually these comments will allow you to enter a URL. This is a good place to put a link to your blog or a link to our site with your affiliate ID. The more links you have out there, the more chances there are for people to find your site or blog or click on your affiliate code. Note: This is another area where you need to be careful about spam. Spamming random or meaningless comments on someone's blog is a great way to lose your reputation and that of your site.
    • Social Networking Sites Social networking sites such as myspace, facebook, or twitter provide you a platform to express your views or present ideas. With a bit of creativity you can blend affiliate links into your site and generate some traffic.

    When it comes to web promotion it's 'the more the merrier'. We suggest you use a combination of several of these to get you started. Once you have your links in place it's important that you get visitors to your links to click them.

    To start with you will want to get your site listed on the major search engines. Search engines are how most people find new sites and will be a major source of new visitors to yours. For our purposes the major search engines consist of google.... and well, google. Just kidding, although not by much. Google is the largest and most prominent among the major search engines and along with Yahoo and MSN are the most important search engines you will need to get listed with. Submission is easy and information about how to do this can be found at numerous places and be automated with many free services. Just search for 'website submission' or 'search engine submission'. While you are doing this you should be already working on the next step... building links to your site.

    A sure way to get your website found by the search engine and to build popularity and traffic to your site is to have others link to it. A great place to start is with your friends and family. If they have site, blogs, or social networking hubs you can have them place a link back to your site from theirs. Next, you can find out about people with similiar interests or sites that are related to yours and see if they'll exchange links or put you on the blogroll. These links tell the search engine that your site is more popular and therefore you will get higher rankings in the search results.

    Another method you might use to get quicker results is paid advertising. You can put your affiliate information in banner advertisements or AdSense ads, etc. This will guarantee visitors to our site and if they are properly targeted can result in a goldmine of sales.

    Ok, I've signed up and gotten my traffic and sales how do I get paid?






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