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Affiliate Tutorial
Learn the basics about affiliate programs, becoming an affiliate, and how to profit once you are.

  What's an affiliate?
  How does it work?
  Web Promotion 101
  Affiliate Payment

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Affiliate Payment

    Now we're to the good stuff. You're an affiliate, you have a popular site and are driving traffic to your business. Now it's time to determine how you'll get paid. There are several ways affiliate payment can be tracked and commissions set up. By far the most popular method, and the one we use, is pay per sale. In a pay per sale arrangement you get a percentage or flat fee for each completed sale from a customer you send. Other methods include pay per lead, pay for action, and pay per click. In these arrangements you get paid whether or not the person you refer actually purchases anything (and in some cases that might not even be the goal). For example you could get paid every time someone enters their email address (pay per action) or every time someone fills out a contact form generating a lead. These methods are usually not very popular due to fraud. For example, an unscrupulous affiliate could set up a program to sign up fake emails and collect the commisions for this, or send bogus lead information and computer generated clicks.

    In a pay per sale arrangement the business is greatly reducing this risk by making the customer 'show them the money' before credit is given. Once the sale has taken place the appropriate commision will be credited to your account. Some sites, like this one, offer real time affiliate tracking information telling you how many visitors you sent us, how many have made a purchase, and your total commisions broken down by day. After you have earned a commission you will normally be sent a check or other payment on regular intervals from weekly to quarterly.

    Click here to get started as an NCSA affiliate now!






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