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Affiliate Tutorial
Learn the basics about affiliate programs, becoming an affiliate, and how to profit once you are.

  What's an affiliate?
  How does it work?
  Web Promotion 101
  Affiliate Payment

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How online affiliate programs work

    Now that you understand the basics of the affiliate relationship a couple of questions are probably starting to occur to you. First, how in the world can a company identify where a lead comes from? That's actually easier online than in traditional businesses and is the reason affiliate programs are used so prominently on the web.

    Once you sign up to become an affiliate you will be given a unique code to identify you. You will use this code when promoting the business and it will be used to track the leads or sales you generate. The basic method of transferring the lead to the business involves a link to the businesses site from your site or email, etc. with your affiliate code embedded in the link. The website you are an affiliate of will have code on their site to read the link and give you credit for anything that particular customer buy while on their site.

    An obvious question is what will happen if you send someone and they don't purchase anything rigth then, but later come back to place an order. As an NCSA affiliate we will do everything possible to ensure you still get credit for the sale. First, if the customer creates a login, even if they don't make a purchase, the affiliate who referred them is stored in our database and credit is when they come back to place an order. Even if they don't do anything our site places a cookie on the visitor's computer identifying who the affiliate referrer was. (a cookie is a small bit of information stored on a web visitor's computer that can be read back by the site if the visitor returns) The only way to lose your position as the referrer is if the customer deletes their cookies or clicks directly on another affiliate's linking code.

    The way you will embed your linking code as an NCSA affiliate is in part of the URL (uniform resource locator) or website name. For example, to create a normal link to our site you might use the following:


    To create a link that would identify you as an affiliate you would simply append your affiliate information to the URL as shown below:


    As you can see all we have done is added a '?' after the webpage and a small code 'ref=1'. The' ?' tells the website that the webpage name is complete and to get ready to receive additional information. What's left,' ref=1', just tells the computer that the affiliate who referred this customer was assigned affiliate ID number 1. Once you are an affiliate you can create a link to our site just like this substituting your unique affiliate id for the number 1.

    Now we just need to learn how to get people to click that link and start earning money!

    Continue reading Web Promotion 101?






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