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Personal trainers are health/fitness professionals who use individualized approachs, assess clients fitnes and motivate, educate and train their customers regarding their health and fitness needs. They design safe and effective exercise programs and follow up with guidance to help clients achieve their personal health/fitness goals and respond appropriately in emergency situations. Recognizing their own area of expertise, personal trainers refer clients to other health care professionals and even other trainers when appropriate.

The NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) certification was developed in 1993 for professionals who work one-on-one with their clients in a variety of environments, including health/fitness clubs, wellness centers, schools and clients' homes. The exam thoroughly tests the knowledge and skills that are necessary to successfully train both active and sedentary physically healthy individuals, as well as individuals with special needs.

More than 8000 individuals have receved this valuable credential which has become the first personal training credential to be nationally accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) in 1996. The NSCA-CPT continues to set the standard for personal training as the most well-respected personal trainer certification avaiable.

To qualify for the NSCA-CPT exam, you must be at least 18 years old have a high school diploma, and be CPR qualified.

Vendor: National Conditioning and Sports Association

Type: Neutral/General Knowledge

Website: www.ncsa.org


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