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The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) credential from Microsoft is one of the most widely recognised IT certification available today. Candidates and employers both place high value on this certification but it's level of acceptance has been slowly eroding as more and more people pick up this valuable credit.

Each exam on the way to an MCSE certification costs $125 which is normally not refundable. The Windows Server 2003 MCSE, for example, requires 6 manadatory required exams and 1 optional exam. The mandatory exams in that case would be four networking systems, one on client operating systems, and one design exam. You must pass several exams in order to complete your MCSE. It is critical that you plan ahead and realize the life cycle of the certification. You need to take a hard look at how long the program has been out and consider how long it will be before your certification is outdated.

Vendor: Microsoft

Type: Vendor Specific

Website: www.microsoft.com


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