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The instructions below give you specific information on how to enable cookies in Netscape to work with our site.  Please scroll down for the specific version of Netscape that you are using. If you are using another type of browser such as Internet Explorer or AOL click on the links below.

Enabling Cookies in Internet Explorer

Enabling cookies in AOL

Netscape Communicator 4

  1. Click Edit, and then click Preferences.
  2. Click Advanced in the menu on the left-hand (white background) side of the screen.
  3. Under Cookies on the right-hand part of the screen (gray background), click Accept all cookies.
  4. Click OK.

Netscape Navigator 3

You cannot disable cookies in this version of Netscape, but you can turn the cookies warning on and off. Here is how you can turn the warning off so that cookies will be accepted automatically.

  1. Click Options, and then choose Network Preferences.
  2. Click the Protocols tab.
  3. Under Show an Alert Before, click to "de-select" Accepting a Cookie.
  4. Click OK.




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