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The instructions below give you specific information on how to enable cookies in your AOL browser to work with our site.  Please scroll down for the specific version of AOL that you are using. If you are using another type of browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape click on the links below.

Enabling Cookies in Internet Explorer

Enabling cookies in Netscape

America Online version 6.0:

  1. Click on Settings>Preferences.
  2. Click on Internet Properties.
  3. Click on Security.
  4. Click on Custom Level... (you may have to click on Default Level first).
  5. Scroll down until you see "Cookies."
  6. Set "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" to "Enable."

America Online versions 4 and 5
Follow the instructions below only if you are using the browser that came with AOL. If you opened another browser outside of AOL, follow the directions for that browser as described above.

  1. Click on Start from your Windows 95/98 taskbar.
  2. Point at Settings.
  3. Click on Control Panels.
  4. Click on the Internet icon. The Internet Properties window will appear.
  5. Click on the Advanced tab from within the Internet properties window.
  6. Scroll down until you see the Cookies icon.
  7. Click Always accept cookies.
  8. Click on Apply.
  9. Click on OK.

America Online version 5 (alternate instructions)

  1. In the AOL top menu bar, click on My AOL.
  2. Select Preferences from the drop down menu.
  3. In the Preferences window, click on WWW. The AOL Internet Properties window will appear.
  4. Click on the Security tab
  5. Click on the Internet zone, then click on the Custom button on the bottom of the window. The Security Settings window will appear.
  6. Scroll down until you see Cookies.
  7. Click Enable.
  8. Click on OK.

America Online version 4 (alternate instructions) and version 3

  1. Click on MY AOL on your AOL Toolbar.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click on the WWW icon. The AOL Internet Properties window will appear.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab from within the AOL Internet Properties window.
  5. Click to "de-select" Warn before accepting cookies.




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