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NEW! After completing the training course in an area be sure and come back to take the certification exam. Each completed certification comes with a signed and sealed hard copy of your certificate plus custom linking graphics you can use in on your webpage and in emails.

  • Free Certification Testing! NCSA now offers free online certification tests covering most of our courses. Taking one of our free tests is simple and easy. Additionally, if you pass your exam you are automatically qualified to receive the corresponding NCSA certification. Click here to take your free certification exam now!

  • Earn More Money! Everyday computers are showing up in more workplaces all across America and the wage gap between employees with and without computer skills is expanding everyday. Even if your not an IT professional a solid background in computers and common office software can give you that extra edge you need to get that promotion or raise you have been looking for.

  • Gain Critical Computer Skills! If your feeling behind the power curve when it comes to computers or just looking for that extra edge to get yourself ahead in the increasingly technological world, the National Computer Science Academy could be right for you.

  • Get A Better Job! Certification through NCSA can put you on your way to a better, more fulfilling job. In addition for individuals completing NCSA certification programs we offer advanced job placement through our employee placement database.

  • Job Placement Service! Our concern for our customers doesn't end with the certification test. NCSA puts great emphasis on helping our customers find employment with some of America's top employers. It just makes sense, when companies see the computer skills and professionalism of our certified workers they are likely to look for an NCSA certification when they hire additional employees.

  • Quality Training, Affordable Price! Getting traditional computer training even through an "inexpensive" community college can cost you thousands and have you sitting through many courses completely unrelated to your goal. Most of us don't have that much time or money to waste on oftentimes outdated computer training. NCSA offers low cost, certifications you can complete at your leisure proving you have the skills to succeed for less than the cost of books at a traditional college.

  • Hire Qualified Employees! Employers all over America are quickly realizing that there is a critical shortage of quality computer trained employees. Join the scores of employers who already trust NCSA to deliver highly trained computer specialists through our continuing placement service database. We also offer skills verification testing for new employees to ensure you hire only the best qualified candidates as well as bulk discounts on our cutting edge training products.

  • Quality Customer support! NCSA is dedicated to meeting each of our customers needs throughout their training experience through individualized customer service. Our highly trained Customer Care Representatives will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our program at our convenient toll free number. In addition, we offer expedient online service via e-mail as well as a thorough library of frequently asked questions.





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