Fact. Recent studies have shown that certified employees in the computer industry are earning salaries averaging 25% higher than their non-certified counterparts.
Questions are designed to meet the criteria established for individuals with six months experience working with ASP .NET. Your scores will be available as soon as you complete the exam. Online certification exams are available for free by clicking the test now button above. Why get ASP certified? Active Server Pages (ASP) .NET is a web application framework created by Microsoft which allows you to build websites and web applications. With the corporate world scrambling to create and maintain a web presence and increase efficiency and communication amongst geographically remote sites, demand for these skills is at an all time high. An ASP .NET certification from NCSA demonstrates to employers that you have acquired a level of knowledge equivalent to six months experience with the software. What do I need to study? The exams we provide focus on the basic concepts you will be familiar with through experience using ASP .NET. If you have created a website or other application in ASP you are likely familiar with the basic ASP syntax and functions. If not, we highly suggest you spend some time working towards this goal. Once you are familiar with the basics you will be able to visualize and spot errors for the code comprehension and debugging portions of the exam. Need training before you take the exam? Visit our training area to load up on quality courseware to prepare you for taking your ASP .NET certification exam. | |||||||||||