
Fact. Recent studies have shown that certified employees in the computer industry are earning salaries averaging 25% higher than their non-certified counterparts.

NCSA. Your ticket to a brighter future!

CS-336 Access 2007

Test your skills out on Access 2007 with the NCSA online certification exam CS336. Exam questions are multiple choice and come from three different categories which are shown in the box below along with the approximate percentage of questions from each category.

   Category Percentage
   Basic Access Features 40%
   Advanced Features 30%
   Efficiency/Usage 30%

Questions are designed to meet the criteria established for individuals with six months experience working with Access. Your scores will be available as soon as you complete the exam. Online certification exams are available for free by clicking the test now button above.

Why get certified in Access?

Access is the database component of the industry standard Microsoft Office suite of programs. Access allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data quickly and easily. An Access certification from NCSA demonstrates to employers that you have acquired a level of knowledge equivalent to six months experience with the software.

What do I need to study?

Preparing for your Access certification should involve hands on work with Access databases. While working through setting up, populating, and querying your database you will pick up on many of the basic features of Access. In a business environment there is a focus on speed and efficiency so it is important that you learn any available tips and shortcuts that may help you along.

Need training before you take the exam? Visit our training area to load up on quality courseware before taking your Microsoft Access certification exam.