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How do I clear my browser's cache?

Your browser's cache is a store of webpages you have visited. Your browser will sometimes attempt to pull up the cached page, image, or file when you open it on the web rather than waste resources downloading another one. This can sometimes cause problems with dynamic pages. You may want to see the new information rather than the old info stored in the cache. Take the steps below to clear out your cache in Internet Explorer.

To clear your browser cache in IE 6 click on the Tools menu and select internet options. The internet options menu is shown below.

On the general tab look under Temporary Internet Files and click the delete files button. This will clear the cached pages stored on your hard drive. You may also want to click on the settings button and change the 'check for new pages' option to 'every visit to the page'. This option should make sure you get the most updated pages available.



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