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Toothbrush and Eraser Solved My Problem



Last week when I pressed the power button of my Dell computer, it did not boot. The fan sounded like a rocket that's going to blow, speed's getting faster and faster. The screen did not show anything except for "Activate using PC." And there were 6 beeps (2 long beeps and 4 short beeps).

I am computer technician, and I did not expect that to happen. Because I've checked my computer last month. So I analyze the scenario and tried to solve it. After minutes of analyzation I've came to a conclusion and a solution. I get my unused toothbrush and eraser - lol - for somebody who doesn't know it, for sure they will laugh. But it did solve my problem because of my two vital tools -- unused toothbrush and eraser. I cleansed the dust and then picked up the computer memory also known as RAM (Random Access Memory). I cleansed the tip of the RAM using my eraser, same with my video card and audio card. After cleaning, I double checked everything if I had returned everything in their respective places. Everything was fine so I closed the CPU's case.

Now, it's time to know if my solution worked. I put all the connectors, wires, usb, keyboards, mouse, etc., correctly. I pressed the power button and then BOOOOM! haha --- it worked again!

The main problem in this scenario was the memory. I think there's too much dust on it. RAM is so important. If "CPU" is the mind of a computer, the RAM is the heart of a computer. Every single part is so important. So better clean your computer at least once a month or 2 times every three months, especially if your place or room is not air conditioned.

That's all my fellow tech guys. Always remember my two vital tools --- unused toothbrush and eraser.



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