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Solve These Operating System Questions


  1. The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a virtual memory environment is determined by
    1. the instruction set architecture
    2. page size
    3. physical memory size
    4.  number of processes in memory

2. In a typical modern OS, which of the following statements are true about user applications and the Kernel?

1. Application may directly invoke any function calls in the Kernel.

2. The Kernel executes an application?s machine instructions the way a JVM executes Java bytecode.

3. Applications run at supervisor privilege level

4. The Kernel runs at supervisor privilege level

      3. Which of the following instructions should be protected, i.e., can execute only when the processor is running at supervisor level?

1. OUTB (contact I/O device).

2. SUB; (subtract numbers)

3. CLI; (disable interrupt)

4. JMP; (jump to a different instruction)

5. INT; (invoke an exception, e.g. for jumping to kernel?s system call dispatcher with kernel privilege)

     4. Which of the following are elements of a typical process descriptor? (Recall that a process descriptor or process control block is the per-process state kept by the Kernel.)

1. Disk driver;

2. File descriptor table.

3. The saved register values.

4. Process state (blocked/runnable);

      5. A (mini-)process or thread moves between each of the three states during its lifetime.

Describe conditions that cause a thread to go through each of the 6 state transitions. Be specific. If there are more than one conditions that might cause the transition, list at least two of them. Label it N/A if the corresponding transition never occurs.



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